Ginseng root farm

Ginseng root (Panax quinquefolius) is any one of the 11 species of slow-growing perennial plants with fleshy roots growing in a woodland, cool climate. Wild ginseng roots sell for up to $500 or $600 per pound in the market. Older ginseng is the most valuable, and one of the most valuable plants in the world.

Commercial cultivation of ginseng has expanded in Korea and China due to huge demand.  Ginseng agriculture is a sustainable practice which uses rice straw. The ginseng is directly seeded and covered with rice straw to protect the seedlings and small roots during the cold winter. The rice straw also acts as a screen from direct sunlight.  As the rice straw decomposes and becomes compost, it helps the roots get healthy and strong. Farmer installing rice straw as a screen.


